An interior shot of a home office. In the background is a couch, floor lamp and a large potted plant. The foreground focus is a chair and a desk on which sits a tablet, mobile phone, laptop, cup of tea, notebook and a small potted plant

Recent ATO Updates

2. Don’t Lodge EarlyThe Australian Taxation Office is warning taxpayers against rushing to lodge their tax returns on 1 July. The ATO said those who lodge in early July are twice as likely to make a mistake in their tax return than those who wait for pre-fill information to populate, an issue that is particularly relevant if you receive…

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A pair of male Caucasian hands are steepled, fingertips to fingertips in an inverted V shape above three basic wooden dolls, as if protecting them by forming a roof over their heads

Family and Domestic Violence Leave

From the 1st of February 2023, full-time, part-time and casual employees of non-small business employers* became eligible to access up to 10 days of paid family and domestic violence leave per year. The 10 days apply to all employees and are not pro-rated for part-time or casual employees, however, part-time and casual employees will only be paid for the hours they…

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A mature man and woman sit together at a table in front of a laptop. The woman has a pen in her hand and appears to be signing a document in front of her.

Death Benefit Nominations

Did you know that it is a Death Benefit Nomination lodged with your superannuation or pension fund – and not a will – that can determine who receives your superannuation balance in the event of your death? It’s true, and since not all Death Benefit Nominations are the same we thought we would outline the differences…

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Various drinks on table


If you became a company Director (or Secretary!) on or before the 31st of October 2021, you must apply for your Director ID by the 30th of November 2022. Failing to do so may result in ASIC charging you a significant penalty. More information, including a video showing you how to apply for your ID, is available here…

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Image of a golden egg in a loosely constructed wooden bird's nest, sitting on floorboards

Director ID Reminder

If you became a company Director on or before the 31st of October 2021, you must apply for your Director ID by the 30th of November 2022. Failing to do so may result in ASIC charging you a significant penalty. More information, including a video showing you how to apply for your ID, is available here on the…

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Manage Your Tax Position

With the end of the financial year fewer than two weeks away, NOW is the time to consider the ways you can manage your 2022 tax position. Imagine what you could do with money saved on tax: Reduce your home loan balance; Pay off debt; Top up your super fund; Go on a holiday; Make additional…

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Young asian female sits in a well lit room at her desk. She has her phone in her left hand, and laptop open infront of her. She speaks with an accountant on the phone as she analyses the graphs and statistics open on her computer screen. There is a blue mug sitting on the desk to her left, and a small luscious succulent to her right.


28th of April 2022: Superannuation Guarantee payments for the period 1st of January 2022 to the 31st of March 2022 must be made by this date otherwise Superannuation Guarantee Charges will apply and you’ll lose the opportunity to claim the expense as a tax deduction.  16th of May 2022: Any outstanding 30th June 2021 Income…

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Image of open door with house keys sitting in lock

Rental Properties

As Perth is currently experiencing some of its lowest residential vacancy rates in almost 10 years, we thought the time was right to talk about rental properties and what you should know as a landlord, including: what you can and can’t claim as rental deductions; the difference between rent and board; negative gearing; why you…

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A black car as seen from the front

Motor vehicle deductions and questions, Superannuation Guarantee deadline and foreign income disclosure rules

Motor Vehicles You can claim deductions for the use of motor vehicles (including motorcycles) when they’re used for business or work purposes. While your method of deduction will vary depending on your unique circumstances, regardless of how you claim, it’s important to distinguish the applicable work/business-related portion from any personal/private use, and stay on top…

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